Medium Airships AS7

Home Products Flying Airships Medium Airships AS7

Medium Sized Airships 6m/20ft

Airship Solutions AS7 is the highest performing 20ft(6m) airship on the market. The airship can be purchased as an electric airship, glow engine airship, or with both options.

Performance – watch our airships climb vertically, watch our airships turn on a dime, hover or cruise, films are further down on the page.

Design of Engine Units
The AS7 Airship was designed with complete versatility in mind. The engine units are manufacture out of multiple layer carbon fibre, and assembled with serviceability in mind. The functional component of the engine unit is designed to be basically indestructible.

UKF Blimp Painted Example



Performance / Dimensions

Electric  Petrol/Gas (2 Stroke) Glow Fuel (4 Stroke)
arrow_bullet Length 6m 6m 6m
arrow_bullet Height 2.4m 2.4m 2.4m
arrow_bullet Width 2.2m 2.2m 2.2m
arrow_bullet Cruise 12knts 15knts 15knts
arrow_bullet Maximum Speed 30knts 35knts 35knts
arrow_bullet Endurance 30 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes
arrow_bullet Extended tanks/battery 60 minutes 60 minutes 40 minutes


Internal Illumination
Each hull manufactured by airship solutions comes ready with the capability to apply internal lights.


Release Mechanism
A variety or release mechanisms are available for the AS7 Airship. The airship has an auxiliary mounting section, located behind the engine unit, can be used to fit all standard release mechanisms.

Camera Options
The AS7 supports almost all camera gimbals weighing approximately 5kg or less.  We can fit the hull to support the camera’s foward of the motors, or under the motors.  We can supply hardpoints for mounting (Carbon Fibre Belly Plates).  The AS7 can be modified to handle larger gimbals, please call to discuss.

Branding the Airships
The airships can be painted, or have vinyl graphics applied. Examples of vinyl graphics is the Algemeine Zeitung blimp. Full outer skins(envelopes) can be printed for the blimps, an example is the Goodyear blimp. The third alternative is to apply banners to the blimps.

Delivery and Setup
Airship Solutions has a delivery, setup and training service. We like to deliver the blimps to our customers, and ensure that there experience in owning and operating an airship of this caliber is a good one.


WOW blimp


The AS7 Airship can comfortably operate in winds up to 15knots or higher with experienced operators. The AS7 is currently operating in more than 20 countries, and has flown in countless stadiums, exhibitions, concerts and locations on different continents.


arrow_bullet Length 6 meters
arrow_bullet Height 2.5 meters
arrow_bullet Banner Size 2.8 x 1.2 meters
arrow_bullet Carrying Capacity 2.5 Kg max-4.0Kg
arrow_bullet Weight 0 Kg

AS7 Package Prices

$10,500 Outdoor Version

Professional Version


  • AS7 Blimp with Carbon Fiber Engine Unit
  • ABS Gondola
  • Brushless motors with ABS Ducts
  • Fins with choice of colour, 40 to choose from
  • Hull with three standard colours or combination of 3 standard colours. Any PMS can be matched for non-standard at a cost.
  • 7Ch Multiplex Remote Control
  • 2 x AC/DC Digital Battery Charger
  • 2 x 5s1p Lithium Polymer Batteries
  • Hull Repair Kit
  • Fins with Rudders and Elevators

$7200 Indoor Version

Professional Version


  • AS7 Blimp with Carbon Fiber Engine Unit
  • ABS Gondola
  • Brushless motors with ABS Ducts
  • Fins white choice of colour, 40 to choose from
  • Hull with three standard colours or combination of 3 standard colours. Any PMS can be matched for non-standard at a cost.
  • 7Ch Multiplex Remote Control
  • 2 x AC/DC Digital Battery Charger
  • 2 x 2s1p Lithium Polymer Batteries
  • HullRepair Kit
  • Fins with lower fin rear thruster


Extra Options and upgrades Available

Aerial Photography Gimbal $3800

The Aerial Photography Gimbal supports standard sized digital SLR Cameras. The gimbal comes complete with

  • Carbon Fiber Camera Gimbal
  • Seperate Remote Control with Video Receiver and 2.5″ TFT Screen
  • Electronic trigger for selected camera
  • Lithium Polymer Batteries
  • Hicam 2.4GHz Video Sender




JR PCM 9X/ Graupner 9ch/ Futaba 9CAP $500 Upgrade Cost


The JR/Graupner and Futaba remote control options are PCM remote control (Pulse Code Modulation). The PCM offers superior signal quality and strength, programming ability and an ability to perform handover operations when operating with multiple controllers.




Flight Power Evo Lite Batteries $380 Pair


TheAS7 has optimal performance when the engine unit is powered by a pair of the Flight Power 5s1p 5350 Evo Lite battery.





Digital Battery Charger $120


The Swallow Digital Battery charger can charge from 110v, 240v, or 12V. The digital battery charger allows you to monitor battery voltages, and current flow into batteries which is a major part of determining your batteries health.


Coupon Releases/Flags/Football Drops


Airship Solutions manufactures a range of coupon releases, ping pong ball releases, and custom releases. Prices start from $45 for a basic 20 coupon release.


Other Lithium Polymer Batteries $200 Pair


5s1p 5000mAH Standard Lithium Polymer batteries perform very well on the E13 Airship. Exceptional value for money.



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